Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dolphin Lundgren

People say dolphins are the most intelligent creatures because they have emotions. Aside from humans, dolphins are one of the only creatures that get enjoyment from sex. I suppose this means dolphins have sex for recreational purposes, which would seem like a hassle without birth control. If dolphins really enjoyed sex, don't you think they would have developed some kind of technology for contraception? Otherwise, it's kinda hard to prove that they're really enjoying sex because they're still doing it for procreation.

I once watched a program on dolphins. The scientists placed metal contraptions on the dolphin's head, which picked up on brain waves. Apparently, it detected a complex variety of emotions, ranging from happy to less-happy. Thus, dolphins were declared sentient by many animal lovers because they had the capacity for feelings.

Personally, I think it's an insult to humanity when we declare dolphins or monkeys or whatever-animal-that-can-tell-one-sign-from-another "sentient". Of course, these animals may have the ability to evolve into something intelligent but until then, I hesitate to call them anything other than animals. Take the experiment described above; I think any sentient creature would be revealing feelings of anger and irritation if a stranger placed odd metal contraptions all over their head.

Give the dolphins a couple thousand years and maybe they'll become sentient creatures. Although, they will have to evolve into something that can breathe above water to make use of the land resources. Or maybe they will develop ships to travel on the surface, like we have ships to travel underwater. Fortunately for dolphins, they can foster a population much larger than humans, considering the space they have underwater. I wonder how they will deal with sanitation and waste disposal? I suppose they can just let their waste linger in the water and dolphins probably don't need to worry about sanitation, since they're bathing 24/7.

They should give dolphins the speaking device that Stephen Hawking uses. Design one that can be equipped to a dolphin, and see if it can speak coherently.

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