Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's the Bees Knees!

I've always wondered if bees actually have knees. Since they're classified as insects, I'm guessing they would have six knees in total. In that case, how would a bee kneel? It must be a pain, especially if they ever had to kneel in front of the Queen.

Queen Bee: On your knees!

Bee: Which one?

Can bees do anything but fly or crawl? If we forget kneeling, that leaves us with sitting and lying down. I've heard that bees die after they sting something. That immediately rules out sitting, since their stinger might accidentally puncture whatever surface they're sitting on. Lying down would also be a hassle, since they have four wings on their back. Unless they're able to fold their wings around their body, which I assume would be uncomfortable. Maybe the wings act as some sort of blanket for the bee, like a makeshift cocoon.

Do bees even need to sleep? They're supposed to be industrious, hence the term "busy bee". Considering their short life spans, it would seem a waste to sleep every day. That time is probably better spent doing whatever bees do in their daily lives (which includes copious amounts of collecting honey and impregnating the Queen).

The Queen is a fascinating position in the insect community. Out of entire bee colonies, how would a Queen be chosen? An electoral system would make sense, although voting is probably beyond a bee's mental capacity. I imagine inside the hive, it would look like the circular room in the Senate in Star Wars Episode 3. The one where every senator stands on those hovering pods, and drifted to the centre when they gave speeches. Maybe the bees just hover along the walls of the hive like those pods, flying to the middle when they want to give insight on who should be the next Queen. A fight to the death would seem more fitting for non-sentient creatures. Although, that wouldn't make sense since bees die after they sting something. In that case, the loser would die from getting stung, and the winner would die from stinging.

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